Friday, November 27, 2009

Wrap it Up

Now that November has come and is almost gone, it has come to my attention that 2009 is almost over. That means, it is time for the annual, end-of-year, summative compilation CDs/playlists! Though it seems that my colleagues at Pablo Bunny and The Hipster Doucheblog have not had the testicular fortitude to maintain their respective blogs, I am sure that their respective members will produce their own playlists. But mine, like always, will be better, smarter, catchier, and yearier.

So with that, I announce the construction of the follow up to 2008's groundbreaking Mix Tape Oh Eight! which will be called "Oh My, '09!".

The playlist was started early today and is already half-formed. Over the next month it will go through several thousand stages of adjustments, re-calibrations, and revamps until it emerges as a perfectly polished diamond of popular music on New Year's Eve. I'm sure you are very excited.