Wednesday, June 16, 2010

This Webcomic is Free

My blog is getting more hardcore by the second. Grayscale comics now featuring Blood Red!

I'm posting this comic today to give you a look into my creative process. First, I'll have a good idea. But, because I'm lazy or daunted by the task at hand, I'll come up with another idea that's really crappy. Then, instead of drawing the good idea well, I'll probably do the quick thing and draw the bad idea really poorly. Sometimes I'll bleed on the paper while I draw as you can see above. Also, realizing my extreme stupidity, I'll often mock and critique my own work, even before I finish. Finally, even though I don't like what I've done, I'll scan it into my computer (no matter how many times I try it will scan crooked for some damn, unknown reason) and put it up on the internet anyways.

And that's how the quality products that you find on Blogged Drainpipe come to being.

Whaddya expect for nothing?

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